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Friday, June 17, 2011


For now, my Friday posts will be simplified--perhaps a scripture, a thought or a prayer.

Here is a prayer to take us through this special weekend.


Heavenly Father, we thank you for this day and every day. We thank you also for your plan and our place in it. This weekend we celebrate "Father's Day" to honor the men in our lives who are our earthly fathers. We thank you for their lives and thank them for their love and guidance in ours.

We thank you also for being our Heavenly Father. We thank you for our lives and for your love and guidance every day. Please, Holy Spirit, attune our hearts and minds to your leading so that we can know and love you more and follow your guidance with ever more confidence.

Thank you, Jesus, for becoming human for our sake. Thank you for showing us a bridge between the earthly and the divine and for your example of living and of doing your Father's will. Amen.

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