In the UK, Boxing Day is the day when the master of the house took boxes of small gifts to the servants.
Here in the US, Boxing Day is the day we smash up the empty Christmas packages and stuff them in the burgeoning garbage can.
As it relates to Christmas, the magi arrived several years after Jesus’ birth to bring their gifts. That first Boxing Day would have included boxes of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
As it relates to Jesus’ gift to us, Boxing Day came 33 years later—on that amazing Easter morning when Jesus’ horrible death was turned into a glorious gift—nestled in a golden box of salvation, wrapped with his eternal love and tied with the ribbons of sacrifice and grace.
In our house, this year, Boxing Day means we have 4 days left to stack up the boxes of dishes, goblets, tablecloths, candles, platters and all other things wedding, stage them in the garage and wait for the enormous truck to take them to the venue.
Boxes and boxes of boxes. Praise God for boxes.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, now that we have unwrapped the packages that have perched beneath our trees, please continue to remind us that your gift of Jesus’ humanity is the most precious gift of all. Amen.
WHAT ABOUT YOU? Other than Baby Jesus, what gift outshone them all this year?
an amazing family for me. they are truly amazing :)
Thanks Carol !!
I definitely have to agree---family.
@ Chris and Pam - good answer; great gift!
Boxing day is a very cool holiday indeed! In recovery group they have something called a God box. What you do is you turn over a problem over by writing it down and putting it in the box and asking God to take it from you. It's a way of letting go. A great visual for what Christians should be doing anyway. I think I am going to try it. I think I should have an answered box to so I can thank him. I often forget, he could use some more praise I think.
@ Big Guy - I had a God box for a while, but it mostly sat there. I think the key to having a God box is actually *using* it. Love your idea of an answered box!
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