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Monday, July 22, 2013


We writers feel happiest sitting in a corner by ourselves, tapping at a keyboard. Preferably, the house is empty. At the very least, the door is closed. We only emerge from our cocoon for coffee and potty breaks, curling back in our chairs to tap the keyboard again in sublime solitude.
Writer’s conferences are a wonderful opportunity to connect with other people in the industry, learn about the craft of writing, and be inspired.
This weekend, our Northern California Christian writers organization, Inspire Writers, had a wonderful 2-day conference. I’ll soon be posting some insights and how they clicked with my own writing, but wanted today to simply urge writers to do whatever they can to connect with other writers.
To read this post, please click here. 

Friday, July 19, 2013


As a writer, I know I’ve only got a few short lines to capture an editor or an agent’s attention. A book only has a few lines to capture a reader’s attention, too. Entire writing workshops are devoted to first pages, first paragraphs and even to first lines. And how to get them right.

So when I read the first two lines of Candle in the Darkness, I knew author, Lynn Austin had hooked me:  The first scream jolted me awake. The second one chilled my soul.

And those first two lines did not disappoint.

To read the full book review, click here.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


I grew up in a Christian home as a pastor's kid. One ever-present item found on our kitchen table—along with the salt shaker (back when folks used salt), oleo (back when cheaper was more important than healthy) and the daily devotional.

To read this post in full, click here

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Vexillology (veks-ih-LOL-uh-gee) is the study of flags.

Here are some flag facts.
Flag Symbolism
 Flag colors have special meaning. Red can symbolize blood shed in the fight for freedom. White often means peace. Orange represents courage and sacrifice. Black may represent determination, ethnic heritage, or defeating one’s enemies. Blue often represents freedom, justice, or prosperity. Green can symbolize the earth, agriculture, or the Islam religion. Yellow often represents the Sun, wealth, or justice. 
To read the rest of this post, click here.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Each month I create prayers for people we love based on the meaning of their names.

This month, as the friends of Lisa celebrate her life well lived and pray for the dear family she left behind, I focus today’s post on praying that her husband, Dan and their three children will live the meaning of their names.
To read this full post go here

Monday, July 15, 2013


It’s time for a final copy edit of your finished manuscript. Time to find those tiny typos and pesky grammatical and punctuation errors. Time to format the text and the layout for consistency. Time to check facts and make sure that when you send someone to page 47 it’s actually where you want them to go.

The secret to successful copy editing is step-by-step focus. When you copy edit, go through your manuscript looking only at one of the basic issues on each pass. If you try to look at everything at once, you’re bound to miss something. Think focus but with a global view.

To read the full post, go here.

Friday, July 12, 2013


One of my intentions of having a unified website over at is to encourage other writers and bring them together with readers who will love them.

Earlier this year, I interviewed my friend, Chris Vonada here. You will recognize him as a monthly guest blogger, who shared the 10 + 1 Building Blocks of relationships. He currently has three books published with Amazon, Common Ground…Geology Happens! Believe…And You Say? and All Sorts and Conditions of People.

To read excerpts from my interview, please head over to

Thursday, July 11, 2013


I'm posting today over at Jon Stolpe's site. Join me there. Here's a teaser...

Toward the end of June I dropped Jon a line and told him I’d write something “stretchy” for this site. Instantly, a big green Gumby with my face on it appeared in my head. 

Gumby—that guy from the 60s made of green rubber. Pull his leg and it bounces back in place. He’s flexible. He stretches to the fullest and then springs into shape even if things get a little too stretchy. Because Gumby teaches us that we can stretch and even if life gets twisted, we’ll still be alright in the end.

Head over to Jon's to read the rest here.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Many of us learned how to handle money by watching our parents. Then our kids learned from us. Unfortunately, that’s sometimes like making a copy of a copy. Each copy becomes more and more distorted.

What if we started over, learning proper money management and taught kids from where they are supposed to learn rather than from where we are now?
Read the full post here.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


This morning Oswald Chambers said that once we understand God’s vision—yet before it has truly become our vision too—Satan sometimes comes in and stirs the pot, making us feel like there is no point in continuing.

Satan has been stirring my cyber pot.

+ + +

Please head over to my website here to read this post in full.  

Monday, July 8, 2013


Over at CarolPetersonAuthor we start the week with something to entice writer-wannabees.

Ever think about taking your own writing seriously? Read Writing the Dream.

Remember: From Carol's Quill is moving to permanently...soon.

Friday, July 5, 2013


Technical difficulties are slowly being ironed out over at

That means From Carol's Quill will be eased out over the next month or so. The good news is that I'll have more good stuff for everyone. And it'll all be in one spot so I'll be easy to find. In case you were looking...

Over at

Monday will offer an article about writing.
Tuesday and Thursday will still be about faith.
Wednesday will have something for kids.
Friday will be for readers.

My first FOR READERS post is up todaya book review of a great (and free) Christian ebook. You can find the review here.

I'll still see you here Tuesdays and Thursdays for a while. But why not start making it a habit to head over to my website now?

See you there.

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Just a short post to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July.

May God bless America!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


This week our world lost a bit of beauty and heaven became even more glorious. My friend, Lisa died after too many years’ battle with cancer. She leaves her legacy though through her husband and three school-age children. She also leaves a legacy of steadfast faith in Jesus.

Several years ago, I began creating prayers for family and friends. I prayed that they would live the meaning of their names. Here is the prayer I created with my friend Lisa in mind. Over the years I have prayed this for her many times. Anyone who knew Lisa, recognized that God answered that prayer. Lisa truly lived the meaning of her name.

Lisa: consecrated to God

Lord, I pray that Lisa will live her name. I pray that Lisa will be fully consecrated to you in everything she is and does. I pray she will live her solemn dedication to you and that she will be a lighthouse to others so that others, too, will be consecrated to you because of her light. Amen.

Please visit the PRAYING NAMES page to find names of people you love. Then pray that they, too will live the meaning of their names. If you don’t find the name you’re looking for, please let me know and I will create a prayer especially for them.

This is a cross-post with my website: I am in the process of moving this blog over to that site so folks can conveniently find me in one spot. I'll be cross-posting here until everything is in place.

I appreciate your patience and grace during the move.