Still, our human minds look at all the pages of our calendar now on the left-hand side; just one more page to turn and 2011 will be over.
It’s not time to despair over time lost. Rather, it’s time to think about what we can accomplish with what time we have left. It’s God-given time and it can be God-blessed time if we consecrate it and our part in it to Him.
And then we can take it one step further. What can we accomplish for God with the time we have left on this earth?
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for the time you’ve given us. Help us to use it wisely and for your glory. Amen.
WHAT ABOUT YOU? What one thing would you like to accomplish before your 2011 calendar expires? What one thing do you intend to do today to work toward accomplishing that?
Carol, I'm still working on my New Years resolution for this year... to know Jesus better every day! It has been quite a year and I've focused on this throughout (a first for me to actually follow through with a New Years resolution all the way through)
@ Chris - congratulations on following through on this #1 important goal. I hope it's your 2012 goal, too.
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