I miss her again and still. Miss the little girl she was for those few seconds. Miss the grown-up woman she is now.
But the countdown to the wedding keeps tick-tocking along. Thirty-two days left. Seems like so much has been done already. Yet my 5-page "list of things to do" contains enough things to fill up 32 days several times.
Last minute things, like:
- All the grocery shopping
- All the cooking
- 38 tablecloths and 150 napkins to be ironed
- 150 water goblets to be washed and packed
- 200 drink glasses to be washed and packed
- 150 champagne flutes to be washed and packed
- 150 plates to be washed and packed
- 600 knives, forks and spoons to be washed and packed
- Platters. bowls, chafing dishes and serving spoons to be washed and packed
- Several million crystal beads to be glued onto several dozen birch branches--oh, yeah!
Oh, and isn’t Christmas in there some place? Yep, and Mom’s birthday, hubs and my anniversary, a couple of Christmas parties and at least a cursory "happy graduation" whing-ding.
Praising God for time management!
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, help us to enjoy the moments of celebration rather than being caught up in the "have-to’s" of preparation. Thank you for time and planning but help us to rely on your guidance in all things. Amen.
WHAT ABOUT YOU? Are you a list maker?
wow, you have A LOT going on!!
i'm not a huge fan of lists but i do need them to keep track of important to-do items (yep, i'm getting old !!).
@ Chris - we'd have more time to get things done if we didn't have to make all those lists!
You probably aren't surprised I am a list maker -- it keeps me on track and helps set my priorities. Just a new thought, it probably would help if I wrote devotions and exercise on the list as number 1 and number 2. Hmmmmmmmmmm
@ Pam - how's this for an idea: print out a ream of paper with the title "PAM's DAILY TO-DO LIST" and permanently print in
1. Devotions and
2. Exercise
I wonder if that would work . . .
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