Today’s post is part of the Christian Writer’s blog chain. This month, our theme is “Joy.” Please visit my friends’ blogs by clicking on the links in the right-hand column.
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If I could paint "joy" it would look like this |
Have you followed along as I’ve added prayers each month to the PRAYING NAMES tab at the top of this blog?
The burgeoning list encourages people to pray that their loved ones will live the meaning of their names. It’s an easy way to remember to pray for others. We think of them; say their name and pray its meaning.
One of the names in the list is mine. When we hear the name “Carol,” usually we think of Christmas songs. I wasn’t born at Christmas time. I was born on Easter Sunday. My parents named me Carol because they liked the meaning of my name.
Carol means “song of joy.” That’s the kind of song we sing at Christmas—songs filled with joy because Jesus came to earth as a blessed babe, and then to die so that we might be allowed to spend eternity with him.
When I ask God to help me live the meaning of my name, I pray that I will live with joy; that I will understand and share the true joy we have because of Jesus. I pray that my life will not only be filled with joy but that I will be a source of joy—or at least of encouragement—to others.
Come to think of it, that’s a really good thing to pray for everyone.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I pray that everyone will live the meaning of my name. I pray that we will learn to live with the true joy found only in you. Please show us more of your glory so that we can live more joyfully and be a source of joy to others. We ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.
WHAT ABOUT YOU? Click on the PRAYING NAMES tab above and find out if your name and the names of your loved ones are listed. If not, leave me a comment with a name you’d like me to research and pray for. New names are added each month.
I've always like Carol as a girl's name, for just that reason. As with other names, not everybody who owns them lives up to them. Melody and Joy are two others along the same vein.
FYI, I am unable to identify this specific post for my chain list.
~ VT
@ VT - thank you. I like those names, too. I'm not sure what you mean by identifying this specific post--do you mean my praying names list? It's one of the "tabs" running cross the top of the blog page.
And while I know "Victor" is not your real name, I'm thinking I should add that to my list, too.
Peggy is short for Margaret - although I will never understand why. My given name, however, is Peggy.
A pearl. (That's pearl - not peril!)
A valuable object that started out as a little irritant. Yeah, well... that about says it all. ;)
Love your posts, Carol! Your sweet spirit always shines through. Methinks, perhaps, fueled by your joy.
@ Pegg - you're right about the meaning of your name. And it's there already in my list (along with Margaret). Sometimes it's really weird how we shorten names to something totally different.
Thank you for the sweet comment and sweeter compliment.
I always look forward to reading the praying names series each month Carol, they're cool!!
I guess I fall under Christian, which is good with me. I want to do my best every day to live up to this... a Godly man who trusts Jesus.
Thanks Carol :-)
What an interesting idea. As I'm sure you know, in times past children were given the name of a saint placing them under thier particular protection and guidance.
Peace and Blessings
@ Chris - yes, that's a fabulous name to try to live!
@ E.G. - I like that idea of being named for a Saint--I assume you mean "Saint" with a capital S; not just us regular lower-case saints. ;-)
Thank you both for reading and joining the discussion.
I looked up the most common middle name of Ann - which wasn't on your list. It comes from the Hebrew and it means "gracious."
I really like the prayer that has been created for each. Very cool. Thank you.
what a brillliant idea
biiiiiig hug
I think God has answered your prayers, Carol, as I see you totally as a source of joy and encouragement to others.
@ Christine - I can't believe I don't already have Ann. Will add it to the list in an upcoming month. Thank you.
@ Michael and Jack - thanks big guys!
@ Pam - wow - what a wonderful compliment. Thank you.
Wow. I like how you turn names and their meanings into prayers. This is like a version of the Midas Touch: I'll call it the "touch of the joyful song." How appropriate, as our prayers are like joyful songs to the heart of our Precious Heavenly Father!
@ Sandi - I love your comment that prayers are like joyful songs to the heart of God. Well said!
This is super cool Carol. I didn't know that Carol meant songs of joy but that is a great meaning and certainly a worthy thing to try to live up to.
@ Tracy - thank you. I will add your name to those I want to research and pray for.
Hey Carol,
My name is a difficult one to live up to. I always thought it meant "blind." Recently, someone told me it means "heavenly." My middle name is Ann and it means grace. Hence, Heavenly Grace.
Origin of names is so interesting. Love your post!
@ Sheila - thank you. I will add your name to my list to pray for. Stay tuned...oh, ye, heavenly grace.
In my humble opinion, you are living the meaning of your name, sister. God bless you.
Thank you, Deborah. God bless you, too.
Terrific post, Carol. I certainly want to live your name. :) If you want some info on Tracy's and my name, here's a link to my blog post from last December about the topic:
P.S. - You commented on that post, so don't be surprised if it sounds familiar to you. ;)
@ Traci - yes, I remember your post and your name. In fact, it's on my list to pray for on May 25. Come back and see how I'm praying for you, girlfriend warrior!
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