“There’s gold in them, thar hills!” That was the thrill of the 1800’s gold miners who flocked to California.
We call California, “the Golden State.” Why? Because gold may still be in them thar hills? Or is it called the Golden State because of the abundance of sunshine that blankets most of the state for most of the year?
At the end of every summer, California may called the Golden State because our hot, dry summers have parched the earth and turned the springtime hills yellow and brittle, becoming easy fodder for wildfires to spark and spread their golden flames into the sky.

The Texas Forest Service reported yesterday that it responded to fires covering 2,795,097 acres of Texas this year, in addition to local department responses of 875,958 acres. That’s more than 3,600,000 acres in less than 9 months. link
Fire is terrifying, destructive and violent. But after the fire is out; after the rains have come, the animals have returned and the people have recovered, God starts over. There is renewal of the earth; renewal of lives.
God can make good come from every situation for those people who love Him. If only we can survive the burning.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we pray today for the people in fire-ravaged Texas. We pray also for people who live daily with destructive spiritual fires. We pray that you will quench the fires and bring renewal to their lives. Lord, help us survive the burning. Amen.
WHAT ABOUT YOU? Have you ever been affected by a fire? What got you through?
SPECIAL NOTE: Tonight the sky will be filled with this year’s “harvest moon”—the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox (September 23 this year). Step outside tonight and look for it. Then return next month for my post about the science and the faith behind the harvest moon.
Interesting . . . I'm about to post a blog entry about fire.
I guess coming home also means dealing with the realities that go with the place you live. Out here in Colorado, we've had a benevolently light fire season this year; but that's a rarity in our state, too. I've seen a lot of smoke drift in from over the mountains through the years.
And, as it happens, it affected a coming-home situation of my own. I grew up in Denver, and my favorite place in the world was Daniels Park, a valley south of the city that stretches all the way to the foothills. I moved to Missouri in 1993. In the late 90's, a devastating fire burned through Daniels Park, pretty much destroying all the foliage in the area. It broke my heart to see it when I came back in 2000.
Anyway, great post as usual, Carol.
Great minds, Scott...
Heartbreaking about Daniels Park. Our favorite campground went through a fire several years ago. We drive past it every time heading into Nevada and after 5 years it's still black and barren. But the memories of the great times there remain.
I remember reading about the Sana Ana Winds, the extremely dry winds that you experience there, along with the associated fires. We're having a bit of a dry spell here right now and it is smoky outside from wildfires. Whenever I think of the fires of life I remember perseverance... "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete." James 1:2-4
Good one Carol !!
@ Chris - fire surely would be a trial. Joy? That's a tall order; fortunately our God is tall and has large shoes.
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