This post is part of the September blog chain with Our theme for the month of September is “Coming Home.” Please visit the links in the right column to see what my friends have to say about “Coming Home.”
Do you have a mezuzah?

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. ... Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. (Deuteronomy 6:4-6, 9)
When a Jew would enter his home, he would see the mezuzah and be reminded of how to act in the home. When he left, it would remind him of how to act in the world.
Our family doesn’t have a mezuzah on our doorframe. Our mezuzah is part of the very foundation of our house.
Before we moved into our home, we decided to pull out the downstairs carpeting and replace it with tile. Having 2 dogs, a cat and a houseful of our teens’ friends made this an attractive addition. It was also a great “Jesus” opportunity.
After the carpet was up and out, I grabbed my Bible and thick-tip permanent marker. All throughout the downstairs, in every room where the concrete foundation was exposed, I wrote scripture, calling on the name of Jesus to bless our home, our family and everyone who crossed the threshold. With that permanent marker, I consecrated our home to Jesus. 

Literally, the foundation of our home was reinforced by the strong foundation of God’s Word.
Those verses are now covered up with tile. We walk and sit and relax on our lovely tiled floors. But the verses are still there; still part of the foundation of our home; a hidden, yet ever present reminder that:
“…as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 25:15)
A house that serves the Lord, makes coming home that much sweeter.
HEAVENLY FATHER: We do want to serve you in all we do. Remind us that we are to be a light for you to everyone inside the walls of our homes as well as to the world. Help us to be that light. Amen.
WHAT ABOUT YOU? Do you know anyone who has a mezuzah on their doorframe? Are you now thinking about getting one?
Hey Carol! I received a couple blog awards this week, and I'm forwarding them on to you for the wonderful job you've done in sharing your heart, your faith and your amazing gifts. Hope on over to the "cafe" for a virtual hug, and keep up the great work!
@ Mike - I love that story. What was the scripture?
@ Debbie - THANK YOU for the award and congratulations on yours. Heading to the cafe now, you sweetheart!
oh my goodness, that brought the biggest smile to my face that you did that to "the foundation" of your home Carol !! I am reinforced just by your inspiration, thanks!!
@ Mike - thanks for getting back to us with the scripture!
@ Chris - glad you were "reinforced" -- LOL!
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