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Thursday, January 17, 2013



I have a set of goals for 2013. Some are continued from last year; most are brand new. They’re all things I’m passionate about.

And they all require courage.

In fact, "courage" is my focus word for 2013. I tend to feel like a wimp most of the time. And when it comes to writing, I’m especially so. I’m passionate about what I write. I think I’m a good writer—sometimes even "great." I work hard to write quality stories, books and articles.

And then, like Frodo Baggins, I work hard to keep them secret; keep them (and me) safe. From publicity. From review. From criticism.

Which is a really silly thing to do. Since I write for my words and ideas to be read by others.

So for 2013, all of my goals—SMARTER GOALS—will be seen, reviewed, worked on—through the lens of courage. Because even though I’m afraid—especially because I’m afraid, I’ll do them anyway.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, you know our fears and you know our dreams. Please work in our hearts and minds to give us courage to work toward accomplishing our dreams. Amen.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? What dream will you work toward this year? Do you need courage or encouragement?


chris said...

You are an excellent writer Carol, and I would encourage you to continue to write whatever is on your heart.

Courage - that's an excellent one word for the year! Excited to see where He leads you with this one.

I haven't chosen a one word again this year. I'm not sure where He is leading me at the moment but I know that I daily desperately seek His will. That's always good enough for me :-)

From Carols Quill said...

Thanks, Chris. "Daily desperately seek His will." That's an awesome tag line for life!

Nona King said...

Carol, we can stand in courage together. :) I am still afraid of putting my darlings out there, especially when it comes to opening myself up to editing and critiques. In fact, my goal is to find an editing/critique partner.... any suggestions?

From Carols Quill said...

@ Nona - ahhh...critiquing I love even if I don't agree with the comments. Yes, our babies are so precious, but just like our real children, we want them to make the world better through them. Can't do that if they never leave home.

Pam B. said...

Besides living a healthier life style, I have a goal this year. It is nothing that would earn public acclaim or money in the pocket, and I wouldn't call it working toward a dream, but there is a satisfaction in it that has value.

From Carols Quill said...

@ Pam - knowing you, it is a worthy and valuable goal. Tell me if I can help you achieve it...