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Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Many people make New Year’s resolutions—personal habits they want to change, adopt or abolish. Others set out goals for what they’d like to accomplish—lose weight, write a book, take a trip to Bora Bora. Others like to select a focus for the year—health, family, growth.

Whatever you want to call it, however you want to approach it, now is the time to start.

We’ll be discussing resolutions, goals and focus for 2013 later this month here on From Carol’s Quill. Why not join the fun? Start thinking or continue to think about what 2013 might look like for you. One thing you can do is reread last year’s post about setting SMARTER goals.

I’ll give you a heads’ up on one of mine. I have a resolution to focus this year on the goal of finishing up several books in process and addressing publication. To give myself more time for book writing, I’m switching to a T/TH blogging schedule.

Thanks so much for hanging out with me last year. See you every T/TH in 2013 right here.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for this brand new year. Please help us focus on you more this year and lead us in ways that will glorify you and further your plan and purpose for our lives. Amen.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? Are you thinking about what you’d like to do in 2013?


Pam B. said...

I am resolute about my 2013 resolutions! Two days down, 363 to go.

See you on Tuesdays and Thursdays!

From Carols Quill said...

@ Pam - way to be resolute! Thank you so much for always being here at the Quill.