One month is nearly over. A whole, brand new, fresh year is already almost 1/12th completed. Sometimes I think I’m more overwhelmed at the speed of time in the early part of the year than at its end. Because a whole year sounds like plenty of time when it’s just beginning, doesn’t it?
This realization makes me stop and think again about what I want to accomplish this year—my goals, resolutions and focus. Am I still moving forward toward their realization?
Are you?
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for the time you have given us here on Earth. Please help us make the best use of it. Please direct our attention and focus on what you desire for our lives. Please help us keep moving forward. Amen.
WHAT ABOUT YOU? Are you still moving forward on what you’d like to accomplish this year? Have those priorities changed any?
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This post is based on the theme of the Christian Writers blog chain, "forward." Please check out the links to the right and see what my friends have to say about this topic.
I need to keep plugging away diligently and making forward progress...
Thanks for this reminder Carol :-)
@ Chris - onward, forward!
I appreciate the weather more as the year moves forward. As evidence of spring shows up, it renews my spirit and my energy. Onward and forward with my New Year resolutions.
@ Pam - you go, girlfriend!
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